(Scroll down for Piercing Aftercare)
When you leave our studio, taking care of your tattoo is your responsibility and you must pay very special attention to looking after it properly. Our Artists are extensively tattooed themselves and can offer you a wealth of experience and guidance in looking after your new ink.
Most tattoos take 2-3 weeks to heal (to a point where there is no scabbing and it feels just like normal skin to touch)
then over the next few months your tattoo will start getting lighter.
Please ask us for advice and not your friend, after all we're your tattooists!
Tattoo aftercare is not an exact science and every studio and/or Artist may offer you slightly different advice on how to look after a tattoo whilst it is healing.
The main priority is to minimise scab formation, a scab will almost definitely form and this is perfectly normal.
After two to four hours, remove your dressing and wash your tattoo (with clean hands) using an antiseptic
unscented soap (preferably from a pump dispenser and not from a ‘bar' that has been handled by others
Pat dry with a clean sheet of kitchen towell, do not rub! Do not re-apply a dressing!
Next, apply HUSTE BUTTER Aftercare Cream (see below)
Use VERY sparingly by gently rubbing it into the tattoo. Wash the tattoo and apply
HUSTLE BUTTER two or three times a day for approximately two weeks or until any scabbing or soreness has completely disappeared. Most tattoos will heal within two to three weeks and should be completely healed within a month. The exceptions are tattoos on moving parts on the body such as ankles, elbows, elbow creases, knees, and neck.
Sometimes swelling and/or bruising can occur; this varies from person to person and is quite normal in most instances. Swelling can often occur on: feet, ankles, elbows, knees, neck and lower legs; some people are often shocked or worried when this happens but please be reassured that this will usually go down within three to seven days.
Hustle Butter Deluxe® is a 100% natural, 100% organic, VEGAN replacement for all petroleum based products used to prep skin before, as a tattoo lubricant during and to care for after the tattoo process. Made from mango, coconut, papaya and other shea butters, it brings tremendous amounts of benefits:​
Promotes healing upon contact, minimising redness, swelling and bleeding.
Hustle Butter Deluxe® will heal fresh tattoos quicker and with results that are unrivalled...results that last a LIFETIME!!!
Don't apply anything other than the advised aftercare cream, this includes moisturisers, sun cream etc until fully healed.
Don't pick the scab on your tattoo or interfere with it in any way, if you come back to us to have your tattoo retouched (which we always do for free if the client has taken care of it properly) and we discover that you have picked the scab, damaged it in any way or not followed our aftercare advice, we will charge you to retouch it.
Do gently pat your tattoo (with clean hands) if it itches.
Don't immerse or soak in water for long periods whilst your tattoo is healing (shower instead of bathe).
Don't go swimming (either in the sea or in public baths) whilst your tattoo is healing.
Don’t bathe children or animals or do washing up etc if there is a risk your healing tattoo will be immersed in water.
Don't expose your tattoo to direct sunlight or use a sun bed whilst it is healing.
Do wear loose clothing around the area of your tattoo whilst it is healing.
Don't sleep on your tattoo whilst it is healing.
Do wear a high factor sunblock when exposing your HEALED tattoo to sunshine!
Most piercings take 8 to 12 weeks to heal, Nipples as much as 9 months (or more).
You must be patient whilst a piercing is healing and most importantly you must keep it clean.
A piercing is an open wound and must be treated as such, especially as it is subject to infection
whilst healing.
Tight clothing next to a piercing can irritate it, prolong healing and promote swelling.
Do not interfere with your piercing or touch it whilst it is healing unless you are cleaning it.
During the early stages of the healing process you may notice a yellowy-white liquid seeping
from it and forming a scab (this is actually blood plasma and not puss).
Using a cotton bud clean the piercing 2 or 3 times a day with salt water. Dissolve ½ tea spoon of table salt in a CLEAN vessel (ideally an egg cup or shop glass, freshly cleaned in a dish washer) containing hot water
from the kettle. Make sure you let the water cool before using!
Please note that swelling is very normal and in most cases it does not mean the piercing is
infected, if you experience some swelling, an over the counter anti-inflammatory such as
Ibuprofen can help (as can an ice-pack).
A navel or nipple piercing can take from six to nine months (sometimes longer) to heal properly.
An oral piercing is relatively easy to look after; you can rinse the mouth with a sea salt solution
do this about twice a day.
If you have a tongue piercing you will notice that you have a long bar fitted, this to allow for
any swelling that may occur. A tongue piercing should heal within two to six weeks and you
may find it difficult to eat solids easily during the first few days, for this
reason it is a good idea to eat soup and yogurt and drink milkshakes during this period.
Use AFTER you have cleaned your piercing using the above method!
Apply one drop to the pierced area and gently massage any excess to the surrounding skin. Apply 2 to 4 times a day as required. Can be used for all piercings performed at Renaissance except for the tongue.
BPA Piercing Aftercare® from The Aftercare Company was formulated using high quality essential oils to lubricate the skin and allow for easier and more controlled cleaning of piercings. It can be used for exterior piercings from ears, navel to dermal implants, as well as during the stretching of plugs and lobes. The solution is applied to the skin with an internal dropper for controlled and hygienic use. This gentle but very effective aftercare is easily absorbed and will not tarnish jewellery. Approved by Cruelty Free International, Piercing Aftercare® uses 100% natural ingredients, is vegan, paraben-free, and safe for all skin types. Its formula is based on a unique blend of Lavender, Tea tree and Niaouli, is rich in vitamins A, D and E, and has been specially-designed to nourish and enrich the skin.
Don't touch your piercing with unwashed hands.
Don't go swimming (either in the sea or in public baths) whilst your piercing is healing.
Don't soak your piercing in the bath/ hot tub/ jacuzzi with you, it can make you very vulnerable to infection.
Don’t take the jewellery out to clean the piercing.
Don't interfere with your piercing.
Don't 'twist' and/ or 'turn/ spin' your jewellery, it is counter-productive and can adversely affect healing.
Don't change the jewellery until your piercing has healed.
Don't use cheap jewellery brought from markets etc, there's a good chance it is poor quality
and may irritate your piercing.
Do wear loose clothing around the area or your piercing whilst it is healing.
Don't sleep on your piercing whilst it is healing.